US ITC ban on Qualcomm 3G by appeals court
Judge Haldane Mayer on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit granted a request for a stay on the US ITC import ban of Qualcomm 3G chips. If you’ll remember, several mobile phone manufacturers and wireless carriers were appealing the ITC’s decision to ban new imports of 3G-enabled phones that used chips from Qualcomm - that appeal was granted just yesterday.

Only those seven companies affected by the import-ban can resume business as usual - AT&T, T-Mobile USA Inc. and handset makers Motorola Inc., Samsung Electronics Corp., LG Electronics, Kyocera Wireless Corp. and Sanyo Fisher Co. - while Qualcomm itself is still banned from importing its 3G chipsets into the US.

The appeal was granted on grounds that the ban, meant to punish Qualcomm for infringing on Broadcom’s patents, unfairly and adversely affected wireless carriers and mobile phone manufacturers.


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